Welcome to Yaxley Broadway Bowls Club

Yaxley Broadway is a friendly bowls club situated in the village of Yaxley on the outskirts of Peterborough.   We have teams competing in all the Peterborough leagues.   Over the last few years we have had success with our members reaching National finals, held at Leamington and Skegness. 

Our Midweek league teams, the Kites, and the Eagles compete on Monday and Wednesday evenings

Our Weekend league teams, the Sharks and the Seals compete on a Saturday afternoon

And our Over 55's league teams, the Spitfires and the Hurricanes compete on a Tuesday afternoon

We also have a 'Friendly' team, for those players that do not need to be too competetive, that play games across Northants and Huntingdonshire.

We actively promote young bowlers and encourage anyone to ‘come and have a try’ on our Saturday morning tuition and practice sessions.

If you are interested in bowling at Yaxley Broadway, either as someone, new to the game, new to the area, or just wanting a change of clubs. Please get in contact with our Secretary, Captain or Chairman (see below for details)

Membership fees - (£50 - adult members), ( £25  - 18 to 25 year olds),  (£10 - 12 - 17 year olds) 

Social Membership (No bowling privileges): £10 Under 12's FREE with an adult member (inc Social)

For more information contact our Chairman, Robert Heath- Tel No. 01733 242417 Email:- robert.heath@btinternet.com

Or our Publicity Officer Michael Gordon - Tel No 07368914353  Email: - michael.j.gordon@talk21.com

How to find  the Bowls Green 

Access to the bowls club is through the entrance to the Farmers pub/restaurant. 

Players and spectators are requested to park at the far end of the drive, where parking is specifically designated for use by the bowls club.

 For Sat-Nav  use Post Code PE7 3NT    House Number: 200                 Click on Map to Enlarge

The Bowls Green is off Broadway   (B1091),   just behind the Farmer's restaurant.

Coming from Peterborough, turn left at the traffic lights at the junction of London Road and Broadway.  The green is 0.4 miles down Broadway on your left.

Coming from the A1M.  Take the Yaxley turn of the motorway.  Then turn right at the traffic lights at the junction of London Road and Broadway.  The green is 0.4 miles down Broadway on your left.

The Arrow (left) shows where the green is situated.

Club Officials

President:                        Mrs Marlene Osborne

Chairman:                        Mr Robert Heath

Club Captain:                   Mr Michael Gordon

Treasurer:                        Mrs Gill King

Secretary:                        Mrs Kate Heath

Competition Secretary:    Mr Michael Gordon

                                         Mr Robert Heath

Green Keeper:                 Mr Tony Belson

Publicity Officer               Mr Michael Gordon

Child Protection/



Ms Karen Mercer

Club Committee

(Club officials, plus: - )

Mr Rob Dearnley

Mr Ian Flack

Mr Peter Marchant

Ms Karen Mercer

Mr Terry Morgan

Mr Michael Randall

Mr Michael Ratcliffe

Competition Committee

Mrs Gill King

Mr Rob Dearnley

Mr Ian Flack

Mr Robert Heath

Greens      Committee

Mr Tony Belson

Mr Michael Gordon

Mr John Thurston

Mr Terry Morgan

Fund Raising Committee

Mrs Marlene Osborne

Mrs Kate Heath

Mr Mike Gordon



Mrs. H. Bass

Mrs. K. Browning

Mrs S. Dale

Mr E King

Mr J. King

Mrs J. Needham

Mr L Robinett

Mr B Saint

Mr J Thurston

   Links to External Sites    Just Click on the Icon below to go that site.......

Peterborough Bowls League
Northants Bowling Federation
Hunts County Bowls
Bowls England

The WEB-site

The WEB-site is administered by Robert Heath.  If you  have any suggestion for inclusion or changes to the site, please Email me at:     robert.heath@btinternet.com